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What is WSSPA?

WSSPA stands for WOODLANDS SCHOOL STAFF & PARENTS ASSOCIATION and our aim is to participate in activities which support Woodlands School. This helps to provide essential funds, which provides extra facilities,  benefiting our children.

Joining WSSPA is a great way to meet other parents, make new friends, contribute towards, and deliver exciting fundraising initiatives.  We meet monthly and plan our fundraising events for the year.


We are looking for parents to join us!

Outline of events for 2022 / 2023

What do we do?

  • We provide refreshments for school performances, the annual talent show and sports day.
  • Organise school discos and parties.
  • Organise school events for the children to enjoy
  • Raise funds to pay towards school enrichment activities for the children.

  • and much, much more!





What are the benefits for our school?

Our fundraising efforts benefit our children! In the past, we have invested in new staging, professional lighting and sound equipment which enhances our fabulous performances. We have purchased new books for our library, supported the development of the nature pond and made donations within the school for special projects and events which the children enjoy.

WSSPA paid for the transport costs when KS2 children went to see ‘The Lion King’ and paid for a touring pantomime company to visit the school for our younger children. This was a wonderful experience for all our children!

How can I get involved?

We are always looking for new members to join us so if you are interested please leave your details with the school office.  One of our team will call you for an informal chat.

 We look forward to meeting you !