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Online (E-Safety) Safety

Online Safety Newsletter - January 22

Top tips for keeping our child safe online ( based on NSPCC guidelines). 

1. Don’t ban the internet completely – teach them how to use it.
2. Have the conversation early – children spend more time on tablets and gadgets than watching TV (12 hours a week). Talk all the time.
3. Explore the web together – get them to show you what they are doing.
4. Set rules and agree on boundaries:

  • the amount of time they can spend online
  • when they can go online
  • the websites they can visit or activities they can take part in
  • sharing images and videos
  • how to treat people online and not post anything they wouldn’t say face to face

5. If your child plays online games:

  • make sure you know who they’re playing with
  • talk to them about what information is OK to share with other players
  • negotiate the amount of time they spend playing online games

6. Check the content is age-appropriate (little siblings can’t watch Grand Theft Auto) Like films, games have age-related ratings

7. Use parental controls to filter or restrict content

  • settings on your iPad/tablet/phone
  • all consoles etc. can be set with parental controls

8. Check your children know how to use privacy settings and what to do if something happens

  • Check the privacy settings on any online accounts your child has, like Facebook or games, and remind them to keep their personal information private
  • “and talk to your child about what to do if they see content or are contacted by someone that worries or upsets them. Make sure they know how to use tools to report abuse.”
    The NSPCC have a guide to all the different apps and sites your children might use.

How to keep children safe online - NSPCC 

Online safety helpful links : 

Live streaming information for parents  

Home office guidance on healthy relationships, including sexting and pornography.

NCA CEOP advice online line safety. 


Independent reviews, age rating and other information about all types of media for children and their parents.

Promoting the safe and responsible use of technology for young people.

Discovering digital at primary school

Instagram eSafety Guidance


13 Reasons why Facebook is for over 13s

HCC e-safety guide for parents

Mind the Gap Conversation Starter Kit

What is snap chat? 

Online safety tips for parents of primary school children 6-10-Year-Olds

Woodlands Primary School Online Safety Policy & AUP Agreements